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SOLD! $350,000
120 Acres Dry Land Farm Ground and Pasture, South of Rockville
(click for more details)
SOLD! $1,250,000
585 Acres Pasture and Building Site
12 1/2 miles north of Miller
10 1/2 miles south of Ansley
(click for more details)
SOLD $1,700/ Acre
60 Acres of Water Rights in the
Lower Loup NRD, North and Middle Loup
(click for more details)
SOLD $2,300/ Acre
12.9 Acres of Water Rights in the
Lower Loup NRD, South Loup Basin
(click for more details)
SOLD $2500/Acre
14 Acres of Water Rights in the
Central Platte NRD, Acres are by Elm Creek
(click for more details)
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